Last week @tiffchow and I stopped by SFMoMa. Visiting museums can be a bit like shopping, which is hit or miss depending on the clothing lines on rotation. Usually I have a specific artist that I'd like to see or I'm in a city like NY or London where museum visits are par for the course. But this time I wanted to make it to the MoMa before they shut down for renovations in June. Thankfully it only takes one good exhibit to make the entire entrance fee worthwhile.
I was absolutely amazed by the works of Lebbeus Woods, an American architect, engineer and artist. And note, I'm no sci-fi girl. The SFMoMa exhibition contains two rooms of selected models, writings and drawings that span 35 years of this visionary architect's work. His themes explore politics, society, ethics and the human condition as it pertained to architectural space. Many of the featured drawings imagine architecture digging beneath the Earth or floating above it. The plastic and paper models were the most amazing, where cities and buildings were eclipsed by alien-like planes and aerial structures. All of it was imagined yet so familiar to eye. It's a must see exhibit. Get yourself over there before it's gone.
photos courtesy of designboom, bloginity