So I'm totally biased when it comes to friends' kids. I think they happen to be the most brilliant things in the world. Yes, more brilliant than any other kids out there. Time flies though and with busy lives in and out of the Bay Area, it's hard to stay on top of growing kids. But my friend Ann keeps me updated with the best blog posts on her little boys. Reading her weekly updates makes me *almost* want kids. Hah, don't laugh.
Rohan: Mama, why is it another rainy day?
Ann:(Sigh) We should ask the clouds why they are raining.
Rohan: (laughing) Mama, we can't ask the clouds. Clouds can't talk. But we can pretend to be clouds and you can ask me, the cloud.
Ann: OK. Rohan: Ring, Ring. Hello, Mama, It's me the clouds. Ann: Oh, Hi clouds. How are you today? Why are you raining on us again?
Rohan: I'm good. I'm raining on you because I scooped up the water from there (pointing to the lake) and the ocean.
Ann: Oh you collected all of this water from the lakes and oceans and now your sprinkling us with water so the trees can grow?
Rohan: Yes, and because when a whale splashes his tale the water flies up into the air into the clouds and then I have to pour it back down on Seattle.
Ann: Oh is that how water gets into clouds, whales splash their tails?
Rohan: Yes. There are a lot of whales near Seattle splashing their tails which is why it rains so much here.
Ann: (Smile) I like that hypothesis Rohan. There must be a lot of whales splashing out in the Pacific right now.
Rohan: Okay, I've got to go now. Call me later and you can come visit. Or you can skype with me on my Air-computer. Because clouds live in the air so I call my computer the air-computer.
Ann: Okay, Mr. Cloud. sounds good. Bye Bye.